Polonium Mentoring 2024-2025

Bigger, broader, bolder - the 2024-2025 iteration of Polonium Mentoring is about to start - join in!

Who can participate?

To become a Mentor you should be at the doctoral student level or above (especially for pairing in the academic path). Highly experienced and impactful Mentors will be considered regardless of educational status. We are recruiting Mentors from different backgrounds - academia, industry, or business.

You can become a Mentee at all stages of your career.

The programme is global and we welcome every scientific discipline to join. We especially encourage participants from social and political sciences that constituted the lowest percentage of attendees in the previous years.

You can be a Mentor and a Mentee in the same time!

2024-2025 Timeline:

  • 01.08-25.08 - 1st round of mentor recruitment

  • 01.09-28.09 - 1st round of mentee recruitment

  • 30.09 - 06.10 - Pairing of the participants

  • 04.11 - Project launch and onboarding of the participants


How to apply?

We are finalizing recruiting mentors! Although the deadline for mentor applications has passed, we are always looking for motivated participants. Therefore, If you would really like to be a mentor in the 2024/2025 iteration, you can still fill in the application form:

You are eligible to become a Mentor if you are a PhD student, PostDoc, or above (in academia), or are working in industry.

During the registration, we will ask you about your skills and strengths to see what you could bring to the programme.

We are opening the recruitment round for mentees!

You are eligible to become a Mentee on every career stage, you can even be a mentor and a mentee simultaneously.

During the registration, we will ask you about what you hope to gain from a relationship with a Mentor, and in what areas you would need support the most. Just a heads up - you will be asked to submit this information in the form of a motivation letter, among others. Write us why you believe you should be part of the program and get a chance to network with successful professionals.



Laurie Wessels

Laurie Wessels is an Executive Coach, Leadership Consultant and Trainer. She is a substantive support for the Mentoring Programme and provides training for our Mentors. 

Mentors 2024 (will be continuously updated)


Rafał Kamiński, PhD

Angelini Pharma

Drug discovery and development (Medical & Health Sciences)

Marlena Hewitt

Akademia Humanistyczno Ekonomiczna - Lodz

Artist, Scientific illustrator (Arts & Humanities)

Tomasz Steifer, PhD

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences

Logic, theoretical computer science, artificial intelligence (Engineering & Computing)

Malwina Tkacz

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw

Philosophy & Law (Arts & Humanities)

Magdalena Kachlicka, PhD

Birkbeck, University of London

Auditory cognitive neuroscience and second language acquisition (Biological Sciences)


Anna Hoy, PhD

Resolution Therapeutics

Cell Therapies (Biological Sciences)

Anna Ogonowska-Slodownik, PhD

KITE Research Institute

Exercise science, Physiotherapy (Medical & Health Sciences)

Piotr Koc, PhD

GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Comparative political behaviour & attitudes (Social & Behavioural Sciences)

Vanessa Bijak, PhD

University of Virginia

Biophysics with elements of Neuroscience (Medical & Health Sciences)

Filip Pamula, PhD

Aarhus University

Biochemistry/Molecular Biology/Structural Biology (Biological Sciences)

Marek Piprek

VIB KU Leuven

Oncology (Medical & Health Sciences)

Maciej Grajewski, PhD

SG Papertronics & SLAS fellow

Microfluidics, Biotechnology, Business development (Biological Sciences)

Ewa Nowicka-Ratajczak, PhD

Cardiff University/ Innovate UK

Catalysis (Chemical Sciences)

Joanna Kwiatek, PhD

Polonium Foundation

Microscopy (Biological Sciences)


Viktoria Babenko, PhD

Pharmalogics, TG Pharma

Medicinal product development (Biological Sciences)

Ronald Terrazas Mallea, PhD

Instytut Chemii Fizycznej - Polskiej Akademii Nauk

Bioprinting, Microfluidics (Maths & Physical Sciences)

Chris Sarnowski, PhD

DISCO Pharmaceuticals Swiss GmbH

Proteomics (Biological Sciences)

Magdalena Mroczek, PhD

University of Basel

Neurogenetics (Medical & Health Sciences)

Benjamin Barnard, PhD


NGO sector (Human Rights)


Karolina Chwalek, PhD

Voloridge Health, VoLo Foundation

Disease risk and prevention (Biological Sciences)

Aleksandra Baron-Wiechec, PhD

Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology

Advanced materials and surface analysis for broad energy sector (Chemical Sciences)

Marek Pędziwiatr, PhD

Jagiellonian University

Cognitive psychology / visual neuroscience (Social & Behavioral sciences)


Michail Symeonidis

University of Lausanne

History - Political sciences (Arts & Humanities)

Francesco Trupia, PhD

Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Poland

Philosophy, Politics and Society (Social & Behavioural Sciences)

Mateusz Jaskolowski, PhD

ETH Zurich / University of Cambridge

Structural biology and protein engineering (Biological Sciences)

Sebastian Cygert, PhD

Gdańsk University of Technology / IDEAS NCBR

Deep Learning (Engineering & Computing)

Adam de Sola Pool

MIT, Harvard, and WHOI

Ocean and clean technologies (Economics, Business & Finance)

Magda Opanowicz, PhD

Becton Dickinson

Product specialist cell analysis (Biological Sciences)

Jedrzej Borowczak, PhD

Prof. Franciszek Łukaszczyk Oncology Centre in Bydgoszcz

Oncology, Pathology, Cancer Research, Medicine (Medical&Health Sciences)

Dagny Grzech, PhD

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Jena

Plant Biochemistry (Biological sciences)

Michał Cyrankiewicz


Finance, Operations (Economics, Business & Finance)

Jakub Knurek

Mabion S.A., RKAC Sp. z o.o.

Biotechnology, Business Development (Biological Sciences)

Karolina Matulewicz, PhD

IQVIA RDS and Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology

Clinical Trials and Oncology (Medical & Health Sciences)

Pialy Ghanekar, PhD

Cell Savvy Group

Infectious diseases (Medical & Health Sciences)

Katarzyna Glanowska, PhD


Biomanufacturing, science commercialization (Biological Sciences)

Iwona Hawryluk, PhD

Imperial College London

Statistical Modelling, Data Science (Maths & Physical Sciences)

Javier Dominguez, PhD

National Center for Nuclear Research

Metallurgy, Materials science, computer modelling (Chemical Sciences, Maths & Physical Sciences)


Useful links: 

You have a question?

You can get in touch with the mentoring project manager at mentoring@poloniumfoundation.org

Community Partners:

Special thanks to the Society of Spanish Researchers in the United Kingdom for providing guidance and support.