I became even more enthusiastic when I got here and met so many young people. Without any doubt - this is the future of Polish science!
— Professor Mariusz Ratajczak (University of Louisville) at the SPP2016 Conference

Science: Polish Perspectives (SPP) is a series of events connecting Polish scientific diaspora all over the world. Since 2012, every autumn a growing crowd of the brightest young Polish minds is gathering in Oxford or Cambridge to talk about their research in all disciplines. We are now expanding the meetings outside of the UK: keeping the SPP Conference as our main event, we've started to organise smaller satellite events called SPP Meetups.

Science: Polish Perspectives Conference

It has all started in 2012 with the conference organised by the Oxford University Polish Society and Cambridge University Polish Society and has grown and evolved enormously since. Over the past five editions SPP has become something more than just an annual autumn event. It has become a community and a focal point for Polish scientific diaspora. It is also a unique platform for interdisciplinary discussion and an inclusive ideas exchange.

© Jacek Partridge

SPP Conference congregates the community from the undergrads to accomplished scientists such as the President of CERN's Council Professor Agnieszka Zalewska or Templeton Prize winner - Profesor Michał Heller, among others. Without disciplinary jargon, but with strong outreach practices, these meetings encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, and the creation of links between business and academia. The SPP Conference gathers annually more than 200 delegates. This year we hope to invite you to the SPP2025 in Cambridge (if granted funding) - sign up for our newsletter (below) and follow us on social media for the freshest updates!


Keynotes, discussion panels on pertinent topics, scientific talks and posters - from beginning to end, the conference encourages meetings of distinguished professors with promising young students, mathematicians with sociologists, researchers from industry with those from Academia. And we know it works - we already have some papers resulting from a collaborations born during SPP (some even published in Nature!).




Participants come from all disciplines, ranging from quantum information theory to sociology. What unites them is the quality of their research and eagerness to share it in an understandable way. The TED-style short presentations, the SPP Review by Getty Science, and plenty of discussion time during coffee breaks help to share knowledge across disciplines. See Outreach tab for further details.

Science & Industry

We are proud to host a number of industry Partners each year. Through workshops, stands, and on-stage presentations we bridge the gap between academia and business. SPP allows companies to build their brand presence among the promising young students and researchers by showcasing the research and development activities conducted in Poland and elsewhere.


Science: Polish Perspectives Meetups (SPP Meetups)

Science: Polish Perspectives Meetups are smaller scale meetings, sharing the SPP spirit of connecting brilliant researchers together. To foster creation of local communities we want to bring this idea closer to Polish students and scientists living scattered all over the world. We've already organised the events from SPP series in Oxford, Cambridge, Zurich, Stockholm, Singapore, Berkeley, Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen, Florence, Milan and Warsaw (version for research diaspora on non-Poles in Poland). You can learn more about each of these unique scientific adventures our past SPPs. Now preparing for an uber exciting SPP MeetUp MIT and and SPP Cambridge (if granted appropriate funding).

Whether you would like to participate, help the organising teams or create an event in your own city - contact us!

stay tuned 4 next SPP!!!