Tomasz Nowakowski, PhD

Associate Professor, University of California San Francisco

Dr. Nowakowski grew up in Gdansk, Poland, and completed International Baccalaureate at 3LO in Gdynia before immigrating to the United Kingdom to study Biological Sciences at the University of Edinburgh. He received his PhD in Biomedical Sciences in 2012 for his studies of molecular control of brain development. He then emigrated again to San Francisco, where he pioneered studies of the human brain at single cell resolution and established his independent research group in 2017 in the Weill Institute for Neurosciences. He is now an Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery and Anatomy at the University of California San Francisco, and his research focuses on understanding how the human develops. His team is developing new technologies to precisely monitor, manipulate, and replace cells in the human brain that could lead to new therapeutic applications for neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. His research has been recognized by numerous awards and honors, including the Eppendorf and Science Prize in Neurobiology, the Cortical Explorer Award from the Cajal Club, the Bridge to Independence Award from the Simons Foundation for Autism Research, the Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship in Neuroscience, the Robertson Neuroscience Investigator Award from the New York Stem Cell Foundation, and the Joseph Altman Award in Developmental Neuroscience from the Japan Neuroscience Society.  



Twitter: @LabNowakowski
