From Poland with Science 2019
Terms and Conditions
§1.General Provisions
The meetings within the project “From Poland with Science 2019”, hereinafter referred in these Terms and Conditions as the "FPWS events" take place on different dates and at different locations in the United Kingdom specified in promotional materials and upon participant registration. The main part of the event is always located at venues provided by universities. The FPWS events are normally scheduled to start in the afternoon between 16:00 and 17:00 and finish between 21:00 and 22:00. The evening networking part of the event may be scheduled to take place in a bar function room if the university cannot provide a networking space.
The FPWS events are organized by the Polonium Foundation with its legal address in Warsaw (Pl. Bankowy 2, 00-095 Warszawa, NIP 701-058-44-08, KRS 0000621890) and the team of volunteers, herein referred to as the "Organizers".
The provisions of these Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the application process in order to participate in the FPWS events, referred to in Section 2.1. below, and so they apply to all people who have registered for participation in the FPWS events ("Participants").
The Participants of the FPWS events may be students (including graduate students), young researchers, academic staff and individuals with an interest in the specific topic covered during the events. Participants may be of any nationality. Additionally, representatives of the FPWS events partners or sponsors and media may be expected.
The FPWS event may include scientific presentations, sponsors’ and partners’ presentations, panel discussions, buffet, and the integration and networking events.
The official website of the FPWS events can be found at:
§2. Participation in the From Poland with Science event
2.1. To participate in the FPWS events one needs to register by filling in the appropriate application form available on the Eventbrite platform before the specified deadline ("Registration"). When registration opens, information will be accessible to prospective Participants via social media, Polonium Foundation website and Polonium Foundation newsletter.
2.2. The Participants are obliged to provide true information, including personal data during the Registration. The Organisers reserve the right to verify the information provided and they are allowed to ask the Participants to provide explanations or to present confirmation of the information provided. In such situations, the Organizers will contact the Participants by e-mail and the Participants are obliged to confirm the information or provide the explanation within 5 working days. The Participants who fail to provide specified explanation within the given period or submit false information in the Registration will not be allowed to attend the FPWS events.
2.4. Places for each of the FPWS events are limited depending on the capacity of the venue for the given event. Envisaged number of attendees is estimated for between 30 and 100.
2.5. Deadline for the Registration to become a participant in the FPWS events shall be on the date specified by the Organizers on the FPWS events’ website. The Organizers reserve the right to change that deadline in exceptional situations. Changing the deadline for entries will be announced on the website and Facebook profile ( The Participants are advised to regularly check these sites and to adapt to the changes.
2.6. The Participants cover their own costs of accommodation and travel in order to participate in the FPWS events.
2.7. The Participants may resign from their participation in the FPWS events. Resignation should be made by cancelling registration dierectly via the Eventbrite platform or by e-mail sent to the address:
§3. Rights of the Organisers
3.1. The Organisers reserve the right to make changes in the schedule of the FPWS events. Any changes in the schedule of the FPWS events introduced by the Organisers will be available on the website In case of any changes in the agenda of the FPWS events, the Organisers will make every effort to ensure that all elements of the FPWS events take place or organise their substitutes.
3.2. The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the FPWS events. In such case, the Participants will be informed in advance by e-mail.
3.3 The Organisers reserve the right to change the date, place and duration of the FPWS events. If date or place of the FPWS events are changed, the Participants will be informed by e-mail.
3.4. It is expected that the Participants will regularly check the e-mail address they provided during Registration, including SPAM folder, in order to check if they received any e-mail from the Organisers.
3.5. In case of cancellation of the FPWS events or change of its date for reasons beyond the control of the Organisers, the Organisers do not take responsibility and will not refund any costs incurred by the Participants, including the non-returnable costs of travel, booking, accommodation and tickets.
3.6. In justified cases, the Organisers reserve the right to refuse the Participants the admittance to the FPWS events. In such circumstances, the Participants will be notified of the decision via e-mail.
§4. Complaints
All complaints about the FPWS events must be submitted by the Participants by writing a signed for registered letter to the address of the Organizers.
Complaints must be made in writing within three (3) days of the end of the FPWS events.
After three (3) days since the end of the FPWS event, all complaints shall not be considered.
§5. Obligations of the Participants
5.1. The Participants are obliged to respect the rules and regulations of the facilities and places they are in during the FPWS events (eg. safety rules, health regulations, fire regulations, road regulations etc.). The Participants are obliged to adhere to the requests and instructions of the FPWS events Organizers.
5.2. The Participants should behave in a disciplined and cultural manner, and treat the other Participants, the Organizers, others’ property and FPWS events facilities with due respect. Abusive language and inappropriate behaviour are prohibited. In case you witness or experience abusive or inappropriate language or behaviour, please report to the FPWS events Organizers as soon as possible either in person or through private message using the social media or email.
5.3. Participation of the underage in the FPWS events is only possible with the consent of the Organizers. If underage Participants of the FPWS events are coming with their guardians, the underage Participants are obliged to strictly adhere to the instructions of their guardians. Otherwise they must adhere to the instructions given by the Organizers of the FPWS events. Arrival at the FPWS events without a guardian requires a prior consultation with the Organizers.
5.4. The underage Participants are prohibited from smoking, using drugs, and drinking alcoholic beverages, including beer and wine, even though they might be present at parts of the FPWS events where alcoholic beverages will be served.
5.5. The Participants take part in the FPWS events and its accompanying events at their own risk and the Organizers do not take responsibility for the safety of participants. The Participants should consider purchasing adequate personal and travel insurance.
5.6. All Participants are obliged to respect their own and the others’ safety
5.7. The Participants are obliged to take care of their belongings, money and their accommodation if required. The Participants also have an obligation to care for the property and equipment of the place in which he resides. The Organizers are not responsible for the Participants’ belongings, which can be lost, damaged or stolen during the FPWS events.
5.8. The Participants (and in the case of the underage Participants - their parents or legal guardians) bear full liability for the damage caused both on the premises in which the FPWS events and accompanying events are held and in their accommodation.
5.9. The Participants who violate the rules in these Terms and Conditions may be expelled from the FPWS events at their own expense or in the case of the underage Participant, at the expense of their parents (or guardians). Parents or guardians of the underage Participant might also be obliged to refund the money spent by the Organizers on escorting the Participant.
5.10. Participants are obliged to inform the Organizers of any circumstances (health, medical, dietary etc.) that may affect their participation in the FPWS events and may require special accommodations. The Organizers reserve the right to refuse acceptance of the Participants if they are not capable to provide the necessary accommodations. In such case, the participant will be informed about the refusal by e-mail.
§ 6. Final Provisions
6.1. Any disputes that may arise from the participation in the FPWS events will be settled by the court appropriate for the official address of the Organizer.
6.2. Sending the Registration constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions, as well as respecting the instructions and any other arrangements made between the Participants and Organizers.
6.3. In matters not regulated by these Terms and Conditions the rules of the Civil Code will be applied.
6.4. The name From Poland with Science, the FPWS events logo and all the material and graphics associated with the FPWS event are the property of the Polonium Foundation and are protected by copyright.
6.5. The Organizers reserve the right to use the materials provided by the Participants presenting either talks or posters (including abstracts, CVs and photos) for the purposes of advertising, promotion and marketing of the FPWS events and sharing with the funders.
6.6. We inform that all personal data submitted will be administered by Polonium Foundation (Pl. Bankowy 2, 00-095 Warszawa, Poland). The personal data included in the Registration for the FPWS events will be processed within the scope of and for the purpose necessary to register the Participants for the FPWS event and the dissemination of information about other initiatives from Polonium Foundation and will not be distributed further or transferred to other organizations, the principles arising from the general provisions of the law, with particular emphasis on the General Data Protection Regulation from 27 April 2016. The Participants have a right to access and amend their personal data. Sharing personal data is voluntary but necessary for registering for the FPWS events.
6.7. The FPWS events are not intended for the general public and are not mass events within the meaning of the Act of 23 March 2009 on safety of mass events (Dz. U. 2009 No. 62, item. 504).
6.8. During the FPWS events, the Organizers reserve the right to take pictures, record video or audio, of Participants both presenting their research and participating in other activities. In case of generation of such materials by the Organizer during the FPWS events, which record the Participants (picture, video or audio recording), the Participants (and in case of the underage Participants their parents or legal guardians) authorize the recording and dissemination of their image by the Organizers, or by other parties on behalf of the Organisers, for the purposes of advertising, promotion and marketing (including partners and sponsors of the FPWS events), including the dissemination of the copies with the image and the reproduction of the image in all available techniques and methods, distribution and publishing, also with images of other people.
6.9. These Terms and Conditions shall take effect immediately from the day of its publication on the website
6.10. The Organizers reserve the right to change the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. Amendments shall take effect after seven days from the day they are published on the website