Science: Polish Perspectives (SPP) is a series of events connecting Polish scientific diaspora all over the world. By bringing SPP events to this community, we are hoping to better undersand it, connect its members and give them a platform for discussionwith academia, policy makers and industry in Poland. All SPP events promote interdisciplinarity and encourage best outreach practices. Our annual SPP Conference happens since 2012 every autumn in Oxford or Cambridge, and the more local satellite events called SPP Meetups are being organised in different forms all over the world.
It has all started in 2012 with the conference organised by the Oxford University Polish Society and Cambridge University Polish Society and has grown and evolved enormously since. Over the past five editions SPP has become something more than just an annual autumn event. It has become a community and a focal point for Polish scientific diaspora. It is also a unique platform for interdisciplinary discussion and an inclusive ideas exchange.
© Jacek Partridge
SPP Conference congregates the community from the undergrads to accomplished scientists such as the President of CERN's Council Professor Agnieszka Zalewska or Templeton Prize winner - Profesor Michał Heller, among others. Without disciplinary jargon, but with strong outreach practices, these meetings encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, and the creation of links between business and academia. This year we invite you to the SPP2018 in Oxford - sign up for our newsletter (below) and follow us on Facebook for updates!
Science: Polish Perspectives Meetups (SPP Meetups)
Science: Polish Perspectives Meetups are smaller scale meetings, sharing the SPP spirit of connecting brilliant researchers together. To foster creation of local communities we want to bring this idea closer to Polish students and scientists living scattered all over the world.
Whether you would like to participate, help the organising teams or create an event in your own city - contact us!