Marta Gajowa, PhD

SPP Meetup Berkeley 2023 Coordinator - Polonium Foundation

Marta Gajowa has been part of the Polonium Foundation since 2021 as a Team USA member. She was born and raised in Poland. She started her scientific adventure at Jagiellonian University in Poland. She completed her doctoral degree at Paris Descartes University and moved to UC Berkeley for her postgraduate studies in neurophysiology. She is researching neuronal communication in visual vortex using state of the art technologies. Combining 2p holographic optogenetics, calcium imaging, and whole-cell patch clamp technique allows her to study connectivity between neurons performing similar functions in a performing circuit, closing the gap between an anatomic and a functional description of connectivity. Outside the laboratory, she was involved in a few scientific communication initiatives both in Paris during her PhD (‘cafe Scientifique, #Sci_beer’), and in Berkeley as a postdoctoral researcher (IGNITE Poland). In her free time, Marta enjoys the beautiful state of California through shorter and longer road trips and some recreational running.