Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Grant Polonia and Poles Abroad 2024 - Polish events and initiatives
Task title: Science: Polish Perspectives MeetUP Paris 2024
Implementation period: May 1, 2024 - November 30, 2024
Applicant: Polonium Foundation
Managing Authority/Competition Announcer/Grant Recipient:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department of cooperation with Polonia and Poles Abroad.
As part of the implementation of the public task, the Polonium Foundation will organize a conference meeting ‘Science: Polish Perspectives MeetUp Paris 2024’ on 27.09.2024 at the Scientific Station of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Paris, dedicated to the support and integration of the Polish scientific community, students of Polish origin and early career researchers (Master's, PhD and post-doctoral studies) in France and neighboring countries. We expect the event to bring together around 60 participants with experts, including scientists and industry leaders.
Thanks to the project, the work and achievements of Polish researchers will be promoted internationally in France and the network of relationships and contacts between Polish researchers abroad will be strengthened.
Key activities:
The theme of the conference will be: ‘Beyond Tomorrow: science, sustainability and social change’. The programme will consist of two thematic sessions (‘sustainable development’ and ‘sustainable architecture’) on sustainability, architecture, climate challenges, innovation and the interdisciplinary collaboration of the themes of art and literature. A panel discussion on the topic ‘Ready for the Future: Exploring Human Connections and Global Collaboration’ z will be led by a professional moderator.
The conference programme will include a professionally delivered soft skills development workshop ‘Preparing for Tomorrow: Key Skills and Competencies for Global Innovation and Science Leaders’ to enhance participants' skills.
A coffee break, a lunch break and an evening networking event at the Prince Wagram restaurant (58 Av. de Wagram, 75017 Paris) will be organized to facilitate the strengthening of ties and the development of contacts between Polish institutions.
Project budget:
Funding: 50,000.00 PLN
Total value: 140 125,00 PLN
Date of contract signing: November 14, 2024