Maciej Szymkowski

Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology


Maciej Szymkowski is M.Sc. B.Sc. Eng in Computer Science. He is in love with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. His expertise is mainly connected with computer vision (especially related to medical samples – e.g., ophthalmic images or heart CT scans). He published more than 40 research papers in the field of Computer Science (not only in JCR journals but also in conference proceedings or as chapters in the books). He is also a reviewer in top ranked JCR journals. Moreover, he participated in diversified research projects – e.g., connected with haptics and transfer of the touch (founded by European Union within Horizon 2020). Right now (from 2022), he is with Łukasiewicz – Poznań Institute of Technology (where he works as a Senior Research Scientist) and Białystok University of Technology (where he is pursuing his PhD in biometrics – from 2018). He is also mad about novel technologies – especially VR/AR and aforementioned haptics. Right now, his main goal is to prepare a methodology for detection of tumors’ early stages in the medical images as well as detection of minor pathological changes in retina color images.